Migration North

Summer Migration North Okay, we've been enjoying our travels way too much, and as a result our blog is lagging by a few too many months. So time to start catching up... Homer Smith is a great marina, and often has fresh off-of-the boat shrimp. Yum! As the heat and humidity increases in late May, we are still at the dock in Homer Smith Marina in Beaufort North Carolina. Our thoughts and plans are quickly turning to the cooler climate of Maine. Because of the constantly changing Covid 19 restrictions, that vary wildly from state to state, we are plotting a route that will get us to Maine with the fewest number of stops, and little reason to go ashore. We plan to leave at first light, but our dock neighbors suggest a later start because 150 sports fisherman boats in the "Big Rock Blue Marlin Fishing Tournament" will roar out of the harbor at the time we want to leave. Since we cruise at 8 knots, and they go 22+ knots, we will let them go ahead of us! Similar...